Director & Founder

Dr Penelope Latey MSc PhD

Dr. Penelope Latey is an esteemed Pilates Instructor with more than four decades of experience in the field. Her journey with Pilates began in 1979 in London, where she studied under Alan Herdman and Dreas Reneke at his Body Conditioning Studio while pursuing her career as a dancer at the London Contemporary Dance School. Penny's incorporation of a therapeutic hands-on approach to Pilates began in the mid-1980s, after completing courses in Anatomy, Physiology, Massage, and Counselling.

Director & Founder

Dr Penelope Latey MSc PhD

Penny holds the position of Director and Senior Practitioner at the Modern Pilates Studio and is also a Senior Clinical Lecturer and Research Supervisor at the University of Sydney. She is a member of the Federal Government's Natural Therapies Review Expert Advisory Panel and has conducted extensive research, including a MSc, a PhD, and continuing research supervision in the Faculty of Medicine and Health at the University of Sydney. Her MSc (Research) project, completed at the University of Technology Sydney in 2011, focused on the "Examination of the role of Pilates in the correction of dysfunctional feet and associated effects on postural stability in the older adult," while her thesis for her PhD, completed in 2019, was titled "Measuring and Managing Foot Muscle Weakness."

Director & Founder

Dr Penelope Latey MSc PhD

Since relocating to Australia in the late 1980s, Penny has continued to teach and train Pilates instructors. She developed and taught the first University-based Pilates instructor course at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) from 2001 to 2005 and helped establish the Pilates Method with the South Korean Pilates Association in Seoul, where she remains involved. In addition to authoring Modern Pilates (Allen & Unwin) in 2000, she has also contributed to several peer-reviewed publications and book chapters on Pilates and rehabilitation.

Director & Founder

Dr Penelope Latey MSc PhD

Dr Penelope Latey has made significant contributions to the Pilates profession throughout her career, including presenting the first formal Pilates Method Instructor Training Course in Australia in 1992 and co-founding the APMA in 1996, serving as its inaugural President. She also shared her structured Pilates Teacher Training Course curriculum through Train the Trainer courses within the Pilates profession and has presented at various conferences worldwide.